Will never be the same twice


The Post Pandemic Liberal Arts College: A Manifesto for Reinvention (Cleveland: Belt Publications, 2020), with Beth Benedix.


“The Politics of Memory and the Memory of Politics,” NACLA Report on the Americas 46:3 (Fall 2013): 18-22.


Interview with "Señal 3," La Victoria, Santiago, Chile - October 23, 2013.


“How the Air Felt on My Cheeks: Using Avatars to Access History,” The History Teacher 46:2 (February 2013).


“Empathy and Engagement: Using Avatars to Bring Students into History,” Peer Review (American Association of Colleges & Universities) (Summer 2012): 6-9.


"Crossing the Street Pedagogy: Using College Art Museums to Leverage Significant Learning Across the Campus," in A Handbook for Academic Museums: Exhibitions and Education, Stefanie S. Jandl and Mark S. Gold, eds. (Edinburgh, UK and Cambridge, MA: MuseumsEtc, 2012), pp. 88-118. Co-authored with Liliana Milkova.


“Bridge Mentoring: How to Advise While Being Advised, Mentor While Being Mentored,” AHA Perspectives (January 2012), pp. 28-29.


“Refusing to Hear: Press Coverage of the Chilean Miners,” NACLA Report on the Americas 44:4 (July/August 2011): 54-56.


“The Chilean Earthquake of 2010: Three Perspectives on One Disaster,” Latin American Studies Association Forum XLI:3 (Summer 2010): 3-5.


“Gender, Order, and Femicide. Reading the Popular Culture of Murder in Ciudad Juárez,” Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 32:1 (Spring 2007): 53-86 (with Mariam Schlotterbeck). Revised and reprinted in Alicia Gaspar de Alba and Georgina Guzmán, eds., Making a Killing: Femicide, Free Trade, and La Frontera (Chicana Matters) (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2010), pp. 121-153. Revised with new introduction and reprinted in Chon A. Noriega, Eric Avila, Karen Mary Kavalos, Chela Sandoval, and Rafael Perez-Torres, eds., The Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of Aztlan, 1970-2010 (Los Angeles: Chicano Studies Research Center, UCLA, 2010), 581-614.


“Chile and the United States Thirty Years Later: Return of the Repressed?” in Democracy in Chile: The Legacy of September 11, 1973, eds. Silvia Nagy-Zemki and Fernando Leiva (Brighton, UK: Sussex Academic Press, 2005), pp. 24-40.


“School of the Americas/Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation,” Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez, eds., 4 vols. (NY: Oxford University Press, 2005), vol. 4, pp. 82-84.         


“Judgment Day in Chile,” NACLA Report on the Americas 36:1 (July/August 2002), pp. 4-6, 43-44.


“Seeking Justice in Chile:  A Personal History,” Faculty Observations (Oberlin On-Line): http://www.oberlin.edu/news-info/observations/observations_steven_volk1.html [Posted June 26, 2002].  This is an edited and revised version of the above article.


“Frida Kahlo Remaps the Nation,” Social Identities 6:2 (June 2000):  165-188.


“Pinochet’s Heirs:  The Fractured Chilean Right,” NACLA Report on the Americas XXXII: 6 (May/June 1999), pp. 21-30.


“Juan Lechín Oquendo,” The Encyclopedia of Political Revolutions, Jack A. Goldstone, ed. (Washington, D.C.:  Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1998), 317.


“Democracy Versus Democracy,” NACLA Report on the Americas XXX:4 (January/February 1997), pp. 6-12..


“Crecimiento sin desarrollo:  Los propietarios mineros chilenos y la caída de la minería en el siglo XIX,” in Minería americana colonial y del siglo XIX (Mexico:  Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1994), pp. 69-118.


“Richard Nixon and the Legacy of Chile,” Radical History Review 60 (Fall 1994):  188-190.


“Chile and History:  The Meanings of 1973,” NACLA Report on the Americas XXVII:2 (September-October 1993): 32.


“Mineowners, Moneylenders, and the State in Mid-Nineteenth Century Chile:  Transitions and Conflicts,” Hispanic American Historical Review 73:1 (February 1993):  67-98.


“La Fuente de Información Norteamericana en Chile,” (with Terri Simon, Charles Horman and the staff of FIN), in Cristián Opaso, ed., Frei, Allende y la Mano de la CIA:  Informes Del Senado de los Estados Unidos (Santiago:  Ediciones del Ornitor­rinco, 1991), pp. 223-269.


“Can the Drug Wars Be Won?  A Perspective from Latin Ameri­ca,” Oberlin Alumni Magazine, 85, no. 4 (Fall 1989):  8-12.


“Growth Without Development:  Chile's Mine Owners and the Decline of Mining in the 19th Century,” Political Power and Social Theory, Vol. 7 (Greenwich, CT:  JAI Press, 1988), pp. 55-103.


“Chile:  The Right to Coup,” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 22, No. 5 (September-October 1988), pp. 4-6.


“The Bolivian Labor Movement,” in Gerald Greenfield and Sheldon L. Maran, eds. Latin American Labor Organizations (Westport, CT:  Greenwood Press, 1987), pp. 37-62.


“History Through the Looking Glass,” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 20, No. 5 (September-December 1986), pp. 3-13.


“Contadora:  War by Other Means,” in NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 18, No. 4 (July-August 1984), pp. 44-49.


“Honduras:  On the Border of War,” in Martin Diskin, ed., Trouble in Our Backyard:  Central America and the United States in the Eighties (New York:  Pantheon, l984), pp. 204-243.


“The Lessons and Legacy of a Dark Decade,” in “Chile:  Beyond the Darkest Decade,” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. XVII, No. 5 (September-October l983), pp. 2-l4.


“The North American Congress on Latin America:  The First Fifteen Years,” Radical History Review, No. 27 (l983), pp. l95-200.


“Colombia:  Whose Country Is This, Anyway?” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. XVII, No. 3 (May-June l983), pp. 2-35 (with Ramon Jimeno).


“Honduras:  On the Border of War,” and “Into the Central American Maelstrom,” in Stanford Central America Action Network, ed., Revolution in Central America (Boulder, CO:  Westview Press, l983), pp. 66-76 and 123-127.


“Honduras:  On the Border of War,” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. XV, No. 6 (November-December l98l), pp. 2-37.


“Honduras dentro del torbellino centroamericano,” Revista Alcaraván (Honduras), No. l3 (May l982), pp. 8-12.


“Steelyard Blues:  New Structures in Steel,”  NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. XIII, No. l (January-February l979), pp. 2-40.


“The International Competitiveness of the U.S. Economy:  A Study of Steel and Electronics,” in Richard R. Fagen, ed., Capitalism and the State in U.S. - Latin American Relations (Stanford:  Stanford University Press, l979), pp. 90-l37.  (Translated as:  “Causas y consecuencias de la crisis en la industria del acero,” Cuadernos Semestrales (Mexico), No. 7 (l980), pp. l3l-l73 (with Helen Shapiro).


“Electronics:  The Global Industry,” NACLA's Latin America & Empire Report, Vol. XI, No. ll (April l977), pp. 3-25.


“The Capitalist Crisis and the Chilean Coup,” NACLA's Latin America & Empire Report, Vol. X, No. 9 (November l976), pp. 3-ll.


“Amazing Grace:  The W.R. Grace Corporation,” NACLA's Latin America & Empire Report, Vol. X, No. 3 (March l976), pp. 2-32.


“Class, Union, Party:  The Development of a Revolutionary Movement in Bolivia, l905-l952,” Science & Society, Vol. XXXIX, Nos. l and 2 (Spring and Summer l975), pp. 26-43 and l80-l98.


“Bolivia:  The War Goes On,” and “Tin and Imperialism,” NACLA's Latin America & Empire Report, Vol. VIII, No. 2 (February l974), pp. 2-9 and l2-l8.


“La larga lucha del proletariado chileno,” Punto Final (Santiago, Chile), No. 85 (June l973), pp. 8-9.


I have also published editorial opinions in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, International Herald Tribune, The National Catholic Reporter, and other newspapers.

steven volk

Steven Volk | Tel: 440-610-5056 | email: steven.volk@oberlin.edu |